7 May 2007


Front Page

Death - true or fiction?

Life after death in periods




Motives of death in art



Motives of death in art












Danse Macabre






Urszulka Kochanowska






Orpheus death


Jan Kochanowski

Tren X

My fair Orszula, where have you fled?
Are you above the celestial spheres, numbered
Among angelic hosts? Are you in Paradise?
Or are you taken to the Fortunate Isles?
Does Charon guide you over disconsolate lakes,
Offering draughts from the erasing stream,
So you can't know my tears?
Or, shedding human shape and youthful dreams,
Have you assumed a nightingale's form and wings?
Or are you being cleansed in purgatorial flames
Lest you carry still the marks of tainted flesh?
Or in death have you returned
To where you dwelt before you caused my pain?
Wherever you are, if you are, take pity on my grief,
And if you cannot in the flesh,
Console me and appear
As dream, shade or vision.